I've had the joy and pleasure of being Nox's person for six months now! On one hand, I can hardly believe that I've been a horse owner that long. On the other, how is it possible that I've only had Nox in my life for six months?! I'm very, very happy.
Nox recovered from his barefoot soreness and he's much stronger on his injured side. I'm riding most days again and his movements feel less restricted. We're walking and lightly trotting for 20-25 minutes. A few times he's gotten a little excited and cantered a few strides when I asked him to trot, and although I would love to canter him a few laps and see how his stride feels, I've pulled him back. I think it's too soon to push him into a faster gait with a rider.
Nox has also been much sweeter on the ground since I asserted some stricter rules. He no longer tries to bite the lead rope or my hands, and he stands quietly and calmly. The poor guy just loves to play with his mouth, however, and since I won't let him chew on things, he's taken to being more insistent about having his tongue rubbed. He loves it! Nox will stick his tongue out and move his nose close to me so that I can grab his tongue. He'll then move his head away, stretching his tongue out. If I let go, he'll move his head back for me to grab it again. It's very weird, very goofy, and I love him for it.
Daniel came out to visit us over Thanksgiving. We ate platefuls of carbohydrates, made peanut butter bombs, and played with Nox. Nox and Daniel hit it off right away. Daniel doesn't have much horse experience but he clearly has a natural talent. Nox tried to get away with biting the lead rope and Daniel quickly put him in his place. He was content to follow Daniel around like a puppy, and when Daniel was willing to rub his tongue - their bond was sealed. It was very cute.
One by one, my family and friends are coming out to meet Nox. The stable owners joke that Nox is the most popular horse in the barn with visitors from all over the country. It's true!
Nox and Daniel, bonding. |
It's dark by the time I get to the barn these days - the sun sets before 5:00 pm. The indoor ring has lights but when I take photos they all turn out green tinged. I probably won't be able to take many good photos until spring, so I'll post a few pics from the summer in the meantime.
One of my favorites. He looks so happy, and that makes me happy. |