Just a quick update, because wow, time is flying. It's almost Christmas! Apparently the time is not passing as quickly for Nox. He's a little more than halfway through his stall rest and he's not very happy about it. He's bored and antsy and the weather is cold and he wants to move! The second week he rubbed his forehead on the side of his stall and made a huge bald patch there. He's given that up thank goodness, but he's reviving some of his old bad habits, like chewing on the lead rope and nipping at my hand. He just doesn't like being cooped up, poor guy. I have started bring him out of his stall to groom him, so at least he can enjoy a change of scenery (even if it is technically just the other side of his stall door) and he's mellowed a little. The vet comes back in the beginning of January and hopefully he's healed up enough that I can at least start walking him around.
We're preparing for an ice storm here in the great frozen north. I'm glad that Nox is safe in a cozy barn with the stable owners onsite. Best Husband Ever, Moose, and I are walking like penguins so we don't slip on the ice outside. Happy Holidays to all and I'll be seeing some of you in a few days! Yay!