Yesterday was the Kentucky Derby and congratulations to winner California Chrome! He's the first California bred horse to win the derby in 52 years - so here's a little shout out to my California family! I missed watching the race because I was hanging out with my own retired racehorse at our quiet little barn. I wonder sometimes if Nox remembers his glory days. I'm sure that
horses have memories - Nox always remembers where I hid treats in the
indoor ring the day before, or what I expect him to do during stretch sessions. Why
wouldn't he remember the sounds, smells, and feelings of a race day? He
is certainly a ham whenever there is an audience around and he really
shows off when people applaud his antics. I think he remembers.
It was a rainy afternoon, but I opened the barn door and let Nox hang his head out into the showers and wind. I was hoping that the vet would be able to clear Nox for full work this week, but I've decided to postpone her evaluation. I've been working with him on the lunge line and when he trots I can see that he is still not 100%. I don't want to waste her time (or my money) to have her come out and tell me he needs more time. Hopefully in June, I can ask Dr. Meg to come up and look at him. She told me in March that these injuries can take a year or more to heal, and we're only at month 7, so patience is key. I'm not in a hurry for my sake, but as soon as the sun comes out and the pastures are dry and filled with green grass, I want Nox to be able to get out there and enjoy it!
Nox has shed out most of his thick winter coat, but I'm still currying out tons of the fine shorter hairs. The little birds in the barn hop around us in the indoor ring as I groom him, picking up bunches of soft hairs and flitting off. This time last year, I had already given him his first bath! It's far to cold right now to attempt a bath (it's still dipping into the 30's at night!), but I can't wait to scrub him up and wash the months of dust and dirt off. He loves the wash mitt and being sprayed with the hose. Hurry up summer!
I'm getting better at these horse selfies, but I need a longer arm to get both his ears and his nose in the frame. |
Nox, enjoying retirement as he looks out at his green pastures. | | | | |