Best Husband Ever and I are pretty bad when it comes to documenting home improvement projects, so I'm going to try to be good for this one. This is, after all, another dream of mine coming true in real life! The first was adopting Nox, and now we get to design and build our own little horse farm. Best Husband Ever didn't specifically dream about a horse farm as a kid, but he's always wanted a nice chunk of land a hobby farm, so we are a true team on this effort.
So, here is the barn and the land behind it, the "Before" pictures:
Barn Side View |
Barn Front View - the wood poles you see in the background are what was left of the previous owner's lacrosse goal wall. That is completely gone now, thanks to Best Husband Ever and his tractor! |
Barn Other Side View |
We're putting a 12'x24' addition off the back of the barn to accommodate two 12'x12' stalls. Attached to the back of the barn will be two paddocks, which in turn will attached to the first pasture. We'll be putting up pretty post and rail wood fencing, partly because I think it looks nice, but also because Nox does not respect electric fencing.
Eventually, two more pastures will wrap around the house to give us plenty of acres to graze the horses on. I simply can't wait to get this finished! I'll keep you posted as 'Project Dream Barn 2016" progresses.