Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Another Birthday!

I'm 34 years old today!  I had to work, but I went straight to the barn as soon as I could.  Nox's new paddock is complete and there is just enough room for him to walk outside, turn around, and walk back in.  He happily stands outside and eats his grain.  I'm glad he has the option to be inside or out - I think it's good for his brain.  Stall rest isn't so bad these days!

Pretty boy.
He's calm and easy going.  I groom him every day and marvel at his thick winter coat that is quickly growing in.  Some horses get woolly, rough winter coats, but Nox is velvety soft and plush, like a giant stuffed animal.  I don't have much to report, so I'll just post another picture.  Happy October everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Day Star! Tell Best Husband Ever, that he did a beautiful job on the paddock for Nox. Sending hugs and love!
