Saturday, June 25, 2016


Yesterday, Nox and Diesel came home.  I took the day off work so I could be home with them for 3 whole days before I have to leave them alone while we're at work.  They both trailered well and I put them in their stall/paddocks.  They immediately reached out to each other over the fence, squealing and stomping their feet, but after a few minutes they were nuzzling and playing. 

Best Husband Ever had to work and I didn't want to let them into the pasture together while I was alone, so I just let them get used to their paddocks and tried to coax them into their stalls, where it was much cooler.  Neither wanted to come in at first, but eventually they came in to get water and escape the heat and flies. 
Nox came in first.
Diesel was a little hesitant.
We all settled in for the night.  I slept pretty well, but I had an ear out for any strange sounds.  All was quiet and uneventful.  I woke up early to do barn chores.  I love barn chores, but they are even better in my own barn.  I fed them first and while they ate their grain and supplements in their stalls, I cleaned manure out of the paddocks.  The sun had just come up, the birds were singing, and I could hear Nox and Diesel chewing their grain and bumping their noses against the buckets.  I love the sound of horses eating out of buckets.  It took me about 45 minutes to finish the morning chores.  When BHE joined me in the barn, I was ready to let the horses out into the pasture.

We let Diesel out first and then Nox.  They ignored each other at first and delighted in the grass and space to run in.  But soon, Nox trotted over to Diesel and started the confrontation.  The squealed and spun around and kicked at each other violently!  My heart was in my throat.  They separated briefly and came together again, kicking with their back legs.  Diesel connected with Nox - a well placed kick to the shoulder that landed with a dull thud.  That was it.  Nox conceded and took his place as second in their herd of 2.  It's not what I expected, but I prefer Diesel to be in charge, actually.  Nox can easily outrun Diesel if Diesel was to get aggressive; whereas if Nox had won, he could chase Diesel down and constantly harass him if he wanted to.  Throughout the morning, Nox would occasionally pick a small fight and Diesel would kick out without connecting, and Nox would back off.  After a few hours, they were sharing the water trough and exploring their paddocks together without incident.  I expect that over the next few days, Nox may challenge Diesel again, but I think they've pretty much settled things and I'm not as worried anymore.

I spent the day cleaning tack, organizing my feed corner, and just watching Nox and Diesel.  I took way too many pictures and sent lots of them to family.  I'm still a little numb, like I can't quite believe that this is real.  It's been a dream of mine for so long (since I was a kid!), to have horses at home.  Little by little, I've been working toward that goal.  Four years ago I adopted Nox.  Now he's home.  And we have a second horse that came home with him!  It just amazes me and I'm so grateful.  I know I say it/write it a lot, but it's important to express gratitude.  I'm thankful for a supportive family who have encouraged me along the way.  And I'm grateful for a husband/best friend who has worked so hard to help me make this dream come true.  With his bare hands, blood, and sweat, he built the framework that this dream lives in.  It's beautiful.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  And now, I will sign out.  There is some poop to scoop.

Life is but a dream.


  1. happy your lifelong dream has come true! Hugs and love!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
