Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The "Multiverse" is a physics theory that involves infinite universes where infinite copies of people live out alternative lives.  If you come to an intersection and turn right, somewhere your alternate copy #1,002 turned left.  If you chose a tuna sandwich for lunch, #803,458 chose turkey, etc., etc. 

In some alternate universe, alternate Star enjoys flights that are always on time and never turbulent.  I'm really happy for her.

I left town for 5 days to be with my family on the west coast.  It's very difficult to leave home these days.  Best Husband Ever is confident that I will return and Moose has learned that I eventually come back from wherever I've been.  Nox, however, is a different story.  The last time I left him for a few days, I came back to an angry, obstinate horse.  It took a week for us to get back to our previous routine and I made the mistake of being too lenient, forgiving his bad behavior too long - see the post on "tough lessons".

I finally arrived home this evening (a day late, thank you Chicago) and after kissing Moose and feeding him dinner - Best Husband Ever is working, otherwise he'd get kiss and food as well - I drove to the barn.  I whistled for Nox as I walked into the barn.  Most of the time, he nickers excitedly back, but tonight I only heard the stomps and snorts of the other horses.  When I turned the corner, Nox was looking at me through the stall door, but it wasn't his normal look.  He looked at me like I was a stranger, and my heart sank a little. 

I went through our normal routine - carrot in his bucket, halter on, turn him out in the ring, and clean his stall.  Nox went through the motions like I was a new groom in the barn.  After I cleaned the stall, I joined Nox in the ring and hooked the lead rope to his halter to walk him around.  He immediately dropped his head to bite the lead rope - an old bad habit.  I smacked him on the chest with the lead rope and the expression on his face was priceless.  It said, "Oh! Ha Ha! Silly me, of course I remember you!"  He snapped back to his old, sweet, respectful self and stuck his tongue out for me to rub.

It's good to be home!


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