Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What a Difference!

Nox is thriving in his new stall/paddock combo.  I'm pleasantly surprised and amazed at his quick transformation.  I feel like I have my sweet, wonderful, goofy boy back.  Last year, I often sat out in the pasture with him as he grazed and he'd walk over occasionally to check in with me and nuzzle my shoulder.  He was a pleasure to be around.  The past several months he's been too high-strung and aggressive for me to really chill out with him.  Being locked in four walls was making him stir-crazy and I understand how difficult it was for him.  It was an almost constant fight to keep him under control and not biting, bucking, or trying to run from me.  There were moments of calm, but they didn't last long.  He was always like a shaken can of soda - ready to burst at the slightest bump.  Now that he has some freedom and fresh air, he is relaxed, content, and calm.  All the things he used to spook at - loud noises, tractors, the wind - aren't affecting him at all.  The farm tractor rumbles right by his paddock and he barely flicks an ear at it while he continues munching on his hay.  Five days ago that would have sent him into a tizzy. 

He is quickly charming the all the new human friends he's meeting with his good looks and sweet personality.  He nickers at Penny in the mornings as she feeds the pigs and hams it up for anyone who stops by his paddock.  This morning he was eating his grain outside with a bunch of chickens who were snatching up whatever he dropped.  Penny told me he was moving his feet very carefully and watching them with intense interest between bites of grain.  He sleeps outside in the cool night air and retreats into his stall when the heat and the flies get too much in the afternoon.  I love arriving at the barn after work and seeing him enjoying the sunshine.  He still nickers for me when he hears my whistle. 

I groom him in his paddock and he stands quietly.  I like to sit with him while he eats his hay in the paddock, and he nuzzles my shoulder and lets me kiss his nose.  I trust my horse again.  Despite the freedom and space in the paddock, Nox doesn't run around and Penny says she hasn't seen him act up at all, so he is getting the rest he needs.  I'm very hopeful that if we keep this up, his September vet check will show an improvement.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying my sweet boy once again.

Best Husband Ever made the beautiful stall sign for me.


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