Sunday, October 26, 2014

If Nox kept a journal...

Day 352 of forced confinement.

A few months ago, I was moved to a new facility and given better accommodations.  The new warden, Penny, and her staff are friendly and very generous with food.  Star continues to visit every day and she seems happier with the facility as well.  My new stall is larger and includes an outdoor area, however, it is not large enough to run around in.  I was given unlimited access to the outdoor area until a few weeks ago, when suddenly the door was shut.  I was given a few days of stall confinement and then the door was reopened, revealing a much smaller outdoor area.  Now I only have enough room to walk outside, turn around, and walk back in.  I think this is ridiculous and I came up with a plan to demonstrate my displeasure.

The past week, I spent the early morning hours learning how to open my stall door.  I can reach over the door and access the lock, but it took me some time to figure out how to open it.  I had to be careful, as Penny does a midnight check and I had to pretend to be sleeping when she walked by.

I practiced my technique to be sure I could slide the lock quickly and quietly, and then waited for my chance. 

Yesterday, it came.  Penny and her friends were riding and Star was due to arrive any minute.  I slid the lock, pushed the stall door open, and bolted out of the barn!  I ran right through the outdoor ring where everyone was riding and heard Penny shout, "Who is that?!"  Someone else shouted, "It's Nox!" in complete surprise, and I snorted, "Indeed, it is I!" as I raced past.  I headed straight for the fields at a full gallop.  They had to know that if I wanted to, I could escape and be gone in a flash - they couldn't catch me!  My race days are not so far behind me - I know how to run and I'm amazing at it! Of course, I don't actually want to leave - the food is great, I'm quite attached to Star, and I have a pet cat that needs to be cuddled, but I want them to know I CAN leave if I want to.  So, I circled back and watched as several people scrambled out of their saddles, tied up their horses, and started running towards me.  Silly people.  They have no idea who they are dealing with.  I dodged them, weaved between the pastures, stopped to meet the cute mare across the way that always gives me the eye when I'm in my paddock, and then bolted off as soon as anyone came too close.  It was the most fun I've had in months!  I stopped to roll in the dirt, let Penny get close enough to almost touch me, and then whirled around and raced off into the fields again.  I heard her yell for someone to get a bucket of grain, so I performed a perfect wide turn and came trotting back.  I felt that I had made my point, and all that running had made me hungry for a snack anyway, so I let them "catch" me with the grain and lead me back into my stall.

Star arrived minutes later and I heard Penny explain what had just happened.  Star came in, took one look at me, and laughed.  She said that she hoped I had a good time and set to work grooming the sweat and dirt off me.  They immediately installed an additional lock on my stall door, but again, I'm satisfied that I made my point.   

On an unrelated note: my leg hurts today.  I should rest it.        

1 comment:

  1. Wow Nox! Glad you had a fun day, but do rest that leg! You know Star has worked hard to help it get better...don't make it any harder for her!
