There is a tradition in horse racing where the owner of the winning horse brings donuts to the barn. Often, the horse gets a donut, too. This morning, Best Husband Ever and I brought donuts to the barn because we have something celebrate and thank everyone for...
Nox's ligament has healed and he is cleared start back to work! Dr. Meg came out on Thursday (a few days late, she had an emergency call on Tuesday) and the appointment went even better than I expected. Nox walked and trotted on the lead so well that I had too look twice to make sure I had the correct horse. Dr. Meg was very impressed with his good behavior and she said he was moving very symmetrically and without any trace of lameness. Next, she performed the ultrasound. His suspensory ligaments are now equal in size and the lesions are healed over. When she looked at me and told me that all looked good and he could slowly start working again, I breathed a sigh of relief. I managed to keep my cool and ask lots of questions and thank her profusely for everything, but as soon as her car was out the drive, Penny and I jumped around and hollered like crazy people! I'm just so pleased, proud, happy, relieved, grateful, and so many other adjectives. It's been more than a year and half of stall rest and it's finally over!
Our next steps involve a slow introduction back to work. Dr. Meg recommends at least 30 days of just walking, starting at just 10 minutes and increasing 5 minutes every 4th ride. After a month or so, I can start trotting for another 30 days and work on walk/trot transitions. If everything is going well and Nox seems strong and balanced, I can start with a few strides of canter in a few months. We will be spending the summer taking things slow and easy - I do not want to push anything to quickly and risk another injury! Fortunately, as usual, we have all the time in the world and no reason to rush. Nox also gets to have access to his paddock again, just in time for the summer sunshine. He'll be so happy!
So! Today, for the first time since Fall 2013, I got to ride my own horse. First, we tried to give him a celebratory glazed donut, but he wan't interested! A few sniffs and he turned his nose away, looking for carrots. He's such a health nut.
Nox thought the donut smelled good, but he didn't take a bite. |
I tacked Nox up in his saddle and new bridle. I put on my helmet, kissed Best Husband Ever, and led Nox to the mounting block. He didn't seem nervous or anxious and was happy to play with the bit in his mouth once again. I swung up in the saddle and settled in. After riding a bunch of smaller horses, this was home for me. Nox is tall, muscular, and has beautiful wide shoulders and a thick neck. His stride feels long, fluid, and floaty, like a long-legged Thoroughbred should feel like. I've missed him so much. We walked around the ring slowly - for the most part. Nox was a little excited and threw out a few crow-hops and danced a bit, but I was actually very impressed with him! He's easier to handle under saddle than on the ground at this point.
Readers, thanks for sticking with us all these months. If I could give you all a digital donut, I would. I've been so anxious these past few weeks, wondering how this appointment would go. I tried to keep faith that Nox would heal, but I was preparing myself for the idea that he might just be a beautiful pasture pet for the rest of his life. I'm happy that we got the results we've been waiting and hoping for, and I hope you'll all stay with me as we work back into shape. Please keep your fingers crossed that by the end of summer, we'll be in top form.
Here are few pics from our first ride today, captured by Best Husband Ever:
Off we go! |
His tongue is hanging out, of course. |
I like this one. He looks at the camera so casually, like "Oh hey! Just out for ride, no biggie". |
So handsome! |
I'm lucky to be surrounded by such good looking guys! |
Yay! So happy Nox received a good bill of health! Great pics...Nox looks fantastic...such a handsome guy. You look great...and so does Best Husband Ever, too! Hugs!