Monday, February 25, 2013

Hairy Situation

Nox is shedding like crazy.  When I curry comb him, clumps of long winter hair fall off him and wispy strands float through the air.  The hair gets everywhere - all over my clothes, up my nose, in my mouth, and in my eyes.  For three days in a row, I pulled long hairs out of my eyes after they got stuck up inside my eyelids.  After that painful experience, I'd had enough.

The next day, I showed up at the barn armed with laboratory goggles and a face mask.  I donned my personal protective equipment, grabbed the curry comb, and stepped into Nox's stall.  He took one look at me, snorted, and back into the corner.  I spoke soothingly and dropped a few carrots in his bucket, and he was happy to let me curry him in my goofy get-up.   

Let me tell you - I look odd, and the other boarders might look at me funny and think I'm silly, but I'm no longer pulling hair out my eyes and mouth!  Nox is looking sleeker and shiner than any of the other horses, and I'm willing to bet that when everyone else is eating horse hair in a few weeks, they'll be asking to borrow my goggles and mask! 

Best Husband Ever helps me groom Nox, but he declines the goggles. 
He took a picture of me wearing them instead. 
Goofy? Yes. Does he love me anyway? Yes.

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