Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring has sprung FINALLY!

The past few days have been near 70 degrees and it feels so good to be outside!  The outdoor ring has dried out and it is safe to put the horses out to play.  I turned Nox out in the outdoor ring on Sunday and he was so excited that he galloped around wildly and rolled at least 10 times - getting all sweaty and wet and then caking himself in the dirt.  He had a wonderful time, and I had to spend the next hour trying to curry and sponge the sweaty mud off of him.  I would have given him a bath, but I was the only person at the barn that day and, well, if you read the old post about the last time I bathed him alone, you'll understand why I like to have someone else around when I do that!

Today was another beautiful day and I let Nox out in the outdoor ring again.  He was calmer this time and grazed in between short spurts of running, bucking, and rolling.  He looked so happy to be outside after months of being in the barn and the indoor ring.  After about an hour and half of watching him graze and enjoy the sunshine, I walked back toward the barn to check and see if the indoor ring was empty (I'm still ground tying him in the arena while grooming him) and Nox came running over to the fence as I walked away, nickering at me.  I stopped and turned towards him and he nickered again, as if he didn't want me to leave him.  I walked back to him and held up the lead rope, and he met me at the gate - if I was going somewhere, he wanted to come too.  We've really become good buddies.

Below is a video from today:

And a pretty picture:

Ok, ok, now lets do a silly one!


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