Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day 2014

Happy Holidays to all!  We hope you are having a wonderful time with whoever you are spending the day with, be it family, friends, or furry creatures.

Best Husband ever and I woke this morning and helped Moose open his presents.  He had more gifts under the tree than we did - he's been a very good dog this year - and he understands that if we give him a wrapped parcel, he is allowed to rip open that parcel and take whatever is inside.  Here is a picture of a few of his new toys:

After visiting some family and eating a delicious Christmas meal, we traveled over the hills and through the woods to the barn to see Nox.  This is our third Christmas together and I like to spend time with Nox on this particular holiday.  When I was a little kid, I wished every year that Santa would bring me a horse.  When I was older, I still held out some small hope that I would wake up Christmas Day and there would be a beautiful horse waiting for me.  

Now there is a beautiful horse waiting for me and I make sure that I take the time to appreciate him. Even though he never had childhood visions of horses dancing in his head, Best Husband Ever understands my need to see Nox on holidays and comes with me when he can.  I have so much to be thankful for this year: my husband, family, furry children, friends, job, house... and so much more.  I hope 2015 is full of peace and memorable moments.  Happy New Year!    

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The barn in December

I had a request from my sister to write a post about the horses in winter.  I'm happy to oblige!  Nox is as fuzzy as a bear and very warm.  I haven't put a blanket on him yet and it looks like I won't have to until the temperature dips below zero.  His stall is well sealed from the wind and elements and he generates a lot of heat, so he's comfortable and happy.

Nox's winter coat. He's so fuzzy!
Nox and Jameson. Jameson is only 7 months old and they act just like brothers.
He sure is a pretty boy.
There are some horses at the farm that stay outside year round.  They have blankets and run-in sheds that they can use to escape the snow and ice, but they usually just stay outside in the snow anyway. Horses are built to withstand bad weather.  Baya prefers to be out in the pasture and gets a little stir crazy when she's stalled up.  Here she is looking sporty in her purple blanket.
Baya, looking gorgeous as always.
The other farm critters are doing well.  The guinea pig and bunnies have a heat lamp, the cats have a heated bed that they all squeeze into, and the chickens puff their feathers up and hide in the hen house most of the time.  Josie the mini donkey, Jasmine the pony, and Agnes the goat share a paddock. They also have a shed full of fluffy shavings they can curl up in, but they are all so fuzzy that I doubt they can even feel the weather at all!

Agnes and Josie
Josie wants me to put the phone away and cuddle with her.  She loves to be scratched, hugged and snuggled.  Jasmine is in the background.  She just wants the carrots.
The ground is frozen and very hard, so I haven't been riding Baya very much.  We did do a little light work yesterday after the ring was tilled up, but I could feel she was uncomfortable on the frozen ground so I kept it short and light.

So really, what it comes down to is that all the animals are just fine and I'm the only one who is cold and complaining.  I wear at least three layers of clothes, hats, gloves, etc., and try to make Nox's grooming time as active and full of calisthenics as possible to stay warm.  It's dark by the time I get to barn every week day by 4:30 pm, so I only get to see Nox in good light on the weekends.  That's why I haven't been posting much - I can't get any good pictures to go with the stories.  Everything has been quiet anyway, especially since we put the lock on Nox's stall door.  No more escapes!  He has his next vet check in January and I'm hoping to see further improvement in his ligament.

Happy holidays to all and I hope it is warmer where you are than it is here (currently, we are hovering right at the 10 degree mark)!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

If Nox kept a journal...

Day 352 of forced confinement.

A few months ago, I was moved to a new facility and given better accommodations.  The new warden, Penny, and her staff are friendly and very generous with food.  Star continues to visit every day and she seems happier with the facility as well.  My new stall is larger and includes an outdoor area, however, it is not large enough to run around in.  I was given unlimited access to the outdoor area until a few weeks ago, when suddenly the door was shut.  I was given a few days of stall confinement and then the door was reopened, revealing a much smaller outdoor area.  Now I only have enough room to walk outside, turn around, and walk back in.  I think this is ridiculous and I came up with a plan to demonstrate my displeasure.

The past week, I spent the early morning hours learning how to open my stall door.  I can reach over the door and access the lock, but it took me some time to figure out how to open it.  I had to be careful, as Penny does a midnight check and I had to pretend to be sleeping when she walked by.

I practiced my technique to be sure I could slide the lock quickly and quietly, and then waited for my chance. 

Yesterday, it came.  Penny and her friends were riding and Star was due to arrive any minute.  I slid the lock, pushed the stall door open, and bolted out of the barn!  I ran right through the outdoor ring where everyone was riding and heard Penny shout, "Who is that?!"  Someone else shouted, "It's Nox!" in complete surprise, and I snorted, "Indeed, it is I!" as I raced past.  I headed straight for the fields at a full gallop.  They had to know that if I wanted to, I could escape and be gone in a flash - they couldn't catch me!  My race days are not so far behind me - I know how to run and I'm amazing at it! Of course, I don't actually want to leave - the food is great, I'm quite attached to Star, and I have a pet cat that needs to be cuddled, but I want them to know I CAN leave if I want to.  So, I circled back and watched as several people scrambled out of their saddles, tied up their horses, and started running towards me.  Silly people.  They have no idea who they are dealing with.  I dodged them, weaved between the pastures, stopped to meet the cute mare across the way that always gives me the eye when I'm in my paddock, and then bolted off as soon as anyone came too close.  It was the most fun I've had in months!  I stopped to roll in the dirt, let Penny get close enough to almost touch me, and then whirled around and raced off into the fields again.  I heard her yell for someone to get a bucket of grain, so I performed a perfect wide turn and came trotting back.  I felt that I had made my point, and all that running had made me hungry for a snack anyway, so I let them "catch" me with the grain and lead me back into my stall.

Star arrived minutes later and I heard Penny explain what had just happened.  Star came in, took one look at me, and laughed.  She said that she hoped I had a good time and set to work grooming the sweat and dirt off me.  They immediately installed an additional lock on my stall door, but again, I'm satisfied that I made my point.   

On an unrelated note: my leg hurts today.  I should rest it.        

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Another Birthday!

I'm 34 years old today!  I had to work, but I went straight to the barn as soon as I could.  Nox's new paddock is complete and there is just enough room for him to walk outside, turn around, and walk back in.  He happily stands outside and eats his grain.  I'm glad he has the option to be inside or out - I think it's good for his brain.  Stall rest isn't so bad these days!

Pretty boy.
He's calm and easy going.  I groom him every day and marvel at his thick winter coat that is quickly growing in.  Some horses get woolly, rough winter coats, but Nox is velvety soft and plush, like a giant stuffed animal.  I don't have much to report, so I'll just post another picture.  Happy October everyone!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Keeping Busy and Engaged

Nox is back on stricter stall rest and things are going much smoother than they did in the spring.  This stall is larger and very open, and he can hang his head out the back door and enjoy the sunshine and watch the pastures, or hang his head into the barn aisle and play with his neighbors or his cat.  Nox is much more mellow than I expected.  We are building the smaller paddock this weekend so he can at least stand outside, but it looks like it will just be a bonus instead of a necessity.
Nox looking for carrots.

Nox kissing Hutch the cat.
I'm riding and working other horses in the meantime.  A nice mare named Jasmine has been ridden incorrectly for too long and now that Penny has her, we are trying to get her back into shape.  I'm asking her to move forward, stride out with energy, and use her back and hind end to propel herself forward.  I'm also still working with Baya.  She's wonderful to ride but she doesn't lunge well consistently, so we are working on keeping her calm and listening to commands on the ground.
Lunging Baya...

So far so good...

Eventually she gets a little too excited... Yee Haw!
Yesterday, Best Husband Ever managed to get an extra day off on a Saturday (very rare!) and so we took the opportunity to hike to the "Big Pine" in a little Adirondack hamlet called Wanakena.  The Big Pine is an old growth white pine tree that has survived ice storms and loggers and is estimated to be about 300 years old - one of the oldest trees in the Adirondack Park!  I heard about it during field work I completed in the area and we've wanted to find it ever since.  The fall colors in the Adirondacks are gorgeous right now and even though it was drizzling lightly, it was perfect day for a walk in the woods.
Best Husband Ever, Moose, and I at the Big Pine.
After the hike, we went back home and embarked on a Husband and Wife Project in his wood shop. Best Husband Ever is a talented wood worker (Ragapple Wood Products) and since he comes to the barn and helps me groom and do barn chores (and lets me teach him the ways of the horse world), he taught me the ways of the power tools.  I wanted to build a birdhouse similar to one that was already on one of our trees when we bought our house.  He let me use the circular saw, drill press, and various hand tools and he was so patient and encouraging!  A few hours later, a plank of cedar became something I'm quite proud of:
I'm operating the drill press.  I'm actually very intimidated by power tools.  I'm perfectly comfortable with 1,350 lb horses, but whirling blades scare me!

The old birdhouse and our new birdhouse!  Home tweet home!
Quality time with those I love - I wish I could have more time with Best Husband Ever and other people I love, but I will appreciate every chance I get when I get it.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Small Improvement

Dr. Meg came today to evaluate Nox's suspensory ligament injury.  Here's a short timeline/description of all of the evaluations so far:

  • Oct. 2013 - I noticed that Nox seemed more lame (limping) than usual, and I stopped working him for three weeks, hoping to see some improvement.  No improvement, so I called the vet.
  • Nov. 15, 2013 - Dr. Meg came out to evaluate him and diagnosed him with a tear in the right hind suspensory ligament at the origin.  Nox was put on stall rest.
  • Jan. 6, 2014 - Small progress but Nox needed to stay on stall rest.
  • Mar. 5, 2014 -80% improvement.  We continued modified stall rest with very light lunging at the walk and trot (Nox could not stay calm and he was going crazy in his stall and in the ring)
  • Jun. 27, 2014 - Evaluation showed major setback.  Nox's injury was much worse and Dr. Meg recommended stall rest with no work, or moving him to another stall that had a paddock.  I moved Nox to the new barn in July, where he has a larger, more open stall and a small paddock.
This brings us to today.  Dr. Meg watched Nox move at the walk and trot and performed a flexion test.  Nox, as usual, jumped around and bucked through most of the evaluation.  He just gets so excited when he's allowed to do something other than stand around.  He looks just like a Lipizzaner Stallion performing "airs above the ground".  If you've never seen the Royal Lipizzaner Stallions perform, I highly recommend googling videos of the "airs above the ground".  My parents took me to see the Lipizzaner traveling show and it was one of the best nights of my life.  Nox shows natural talent performing the capriole - he would have make a great war horse, apparently.

Anyway!  Dr. Meg noted that he is still sore on the right hind, indicating that the ligament is still injured.  She did an ultrasound so we could see what was actually happening in there.  She gave Nox a sedative and set up the ultrasound.  Everyone gathered to help and observe.

Dr. Meg, Best Husband Ever, Penny, and Robin gathered around the ultrasound machine.
I squatted in the corner, held Nox's head, and whispered sweet nothings in his ear while keeping an eye on the screen.

Nox gets nervous if I move too far from his head while he's sedated.
The ultrasound showed that the original tear has healed a little bit - it's about 1 mm smaller than it was 10 months ago.  There is a second smaller tear that is new - Dr. Meg thinks he may have done that back when he was going crazy on stall rest and may explain why he was so much worse in June.

So, there is a small improvement to the ligament tear and he is healing, but very slowly.  As I expected, Dr. Meg would like to restrict his access to the paddock.  The sand is a bit too deep and he is moving around too much in it.  Since he's so much happier having access outside, she suggested that if the paddock can be modified, we can make the paddock smaller.  He can have just enough room to step outside and turn around.  Penny immediately said that they will make any modifications needed to keep Nox happy.  I'm pleased with the evaluation and encouraged, as is Dr. Meg.  Any improvement, no matter how small, is good news.  We might also try a round of shockwave therapy, which may help speed things along.  The shockwaves irritate the soft tissue and promote healing, but it isn't always as effective on older injuries, but I think it might be worth a try.  

Nox came out of the sedation slowly.  He was still a little drunk and woozy and wanted to lean on me, so I let him.  We stood like this for about 5 minutes, he resting his head on my shoulder, while Dr. Meg wrote her notes and I checked my work emails.
He was snoring a little.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Showing off

I'm mentally preparing myself for the inevitable stall rest recommendation that I'm 99.9% sure will be coming on Wednesday.  I'm noticing that Nox is spending much of his time standing in his stall anyway, since he likes to play with his neighbors and escape the flies, so I'm really hoping he won't mind being closed off from his paddock.  It also appears that Nox and his neighbors are starting band.  Nox is learning to play the chain (video by Best Husband Ever):

In the meantime, while Nox continues his recovery and band practice, I have plenty of horses to ride at the new barn.  A grey mare named Ellie has recovered from an injury and illness and she's ready to be worked again, so I've been lunging her and will start riding her today (weather depending - it's raining as I type).  Another boarder has offered her horse for me to ride, as she wants him to get more exercise.  I'm also still working with Baya, who is for sale.  Baya is a very special horse and Penny wants her to go to a very good home, so she is priced high.  She has so much potential, she is easy to ride and handle, and she performed so well at her first show this past summer.  There was a professional photographer at the show and he took some great pictures of Baya and I:

This is my favorite photo.  I love the tail swish.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

He decided he was done with the therapeutic shoe phase of recovery...

Look at those pretty gold dapples!
Nox looks good, doesn't he?  He's healthy and happy, he hasn't had a nosebleed in a month (he had 3 total, still no idea why), and he's a pleasure to be around.

He's also torn off two of his four shoes in the past week.  Nox needed a lift pad on his right hind leg to ease the pressure on his torn suspensory ligament, and to make sure he was balanced, he had lift pads on both hind hooves.  He also had shoes on the front for support.  Well, he stepped on the right hind shoe and tore it off, along with most of the hoof wall.  My farrier couldn't put the shoe back on because there wasn't enough hoof wall to nail it to, so I had him take off the other hind shoe (no point wearing it if the injured leg doesn't have one).  Two days later he stepped on the left front shoe and tore that off, so I had the farrier remove the other front shoe.  Now he's barefoot.

Nox has his lameness evaluation next week Wednesday.  I've already told Dr. Meg that he's barefoot and she was a little concerned.  It's almost been a year since he was diagnosed with the injury, and when I walked him around the ring today (just a short slow walk), he was still limping.  I didn't even need to trot him to see that he is still off.  Dr. Meg is going to do an ultrasound this time and look at the ligament - is it healing?  Did it heal wrong?  What the heck is going on?!?  It can take a VERY long time for these types of injuries to heal - a year is typical and more than a year is not uncommon - but I'm not seeing any improvement.  It could be that the paddock, while good for Nox's mental health, is not good for his ligament tear.  I'm guessing... speculating... expecting... that the vet will want him back on stall rest.  I'm hoping that stall rest in his new stall won't be as dramatic as stall rest in the old place.  In this stall, Nox can hang his head out into the barn aisle and play with his neighbors and the various barn critters.  He can also hang his head out the other door and look outside.  Hopefully, if he must go back on strict rest, this stimulation will keep him from going crazy.

I'll keep everyone posted and wish us luck at our vet appointment!  For now, enjoy these lovely early fall pictures...

Seriously, how does he have this much muscle after 11 months of stall rest?

Nox has a pet cat named Hutch.  She hangs out on his paddock fence and stall door, and she likes it when he nibbles her neck and back. 

They are adorable together.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Recovery and Relaxation

Nox is doing well after his health scare.  Penny is always out and about doing work on her farm, so she passes his paddock and checks on him constantly.  She sent me this adorable photo of him napping in the shade the next morning after he returned from Cornell.  Poor boy must have been exhausted. 
Nox was even snoring a little!
Penny has also noticed that he's drinking more water than usual - she fills his bucket 5-6 times a day, whereas before the trip to Cornell, he was drinking 3 buckets.  The sedatives he was given make him sweat profusely, so we think he's a bit dehydrated and upping his water intake.
He hasn't had any more nosebleeds this week, so hopefully we're finished with that particular drama.  The coffin bone fracture and torn ligament are much easier to deal with emotionally - the emergency events are so frightening.  I've been through horse emergencies before, but this was the first time it happened to MY horse.

In any case, Nox is healthy and I'm spending plenty of time with him this week, since I'm off work.  Best Husband Ever has been coming with me and took the silly photo below: 


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Update on Nox

Nox is home.  After 24 very scary hours, we have a diagnosis: nothing.  The radiographs yesterday morning were examined by several veterinarians and radiologists, including a sinus/nasal/throat specialist and they didn't find any masses, tumors, or anything suspicious.  To be sure they weren't missing anything, Dr. Hill and her team scoped his nasal passage and throat again.

The good news is they can't find anything that would cause a nosebleed and there is nothing life threatening going on in Nox's head.  The frustrating news is they can't find anything to fix.  Dr. Hill said that the next step, if they had found something suspicious in the radiographs, would be to put Nox under general anesthesia and perform CT scans.  However, since they haven't found anything worrisome, the risks of putting Nox under anesthesia are too high to warrant that step.  I agree.  Horses as a species are very risky to anesthetize - their huge body mass makes it difficult for them to lie on one side for too long without injuring organs, tissue, and bone; and the awakening process is fraught with hazards, as the sedated, confused horse attempts to stand up.  Some horses develop colic days later and can become very sick.  Sometimes anesthesia is unavoidable and the vets must weigh the risks with saving a horse's life.  Since we have ruled out all life-threatening issues with Nox, Dr. Hill doesn't want to take these chances.

So, at this point, Dr. Hill has to guess that he might have bumped his head just right to rupture some blood vessels in his nose.  It happens.  My Dad theorized that maybe Agnes the Goat head-butted him while they were sharing grain.  It's possible, Agnes does love to play the head-butt game.  He also likes to play "nip the nose" with his neighbor Ellie over the stall doors.  Maybe he got too excited and banged his nose.  He is a klutz.  Who knows?

I'm grateful that there is nothing seriously wrong with him.  I can't express how terrified I was on Sunday, thinking he might have Guttural Pouch Mycosis and I was going to lose him.  It brings tears to my eyes now, reliving that fear.  I haven't had enough time with Nox; I'm not ready for him to go.  But, a small part of me wishes I had a concrete explanation and something to fix, but... it is what it is.  Dr. Hill told me that if he has another nosebleed in the near future, I can give her a call, but it won't need to be treated as an emergency (unless the bleeding won't stop after 20 minutes or so), since we've ruled out the fatal conditions.  It takes months for horses to develop the damaging fungus that causes Guttural Pouch Mycosis, and we've seen that his guttural pouch is clean and clear.  However, if he has another major nosebleed next year, we might have to do all this again.  In the meantime, I can hold his head at shoulder height, wait for the bleeding to stop, and wipe his nose.  There's not much that one can do for a horse nosebleed.  Hopefully, he won't have another one.

The other positive outcome of this whole experience is the horse trailer.  When Penny, Best Husband Ever, and I arrived at the hospital yesterday to pick up Nox, he nickered as soon as he saw us.  He looked so happy that we were there.  Dr. Hill gave the technician a syringe with a sedative in it, because he needed to be sedated to get on the trailer to come down.  She asked me if I wanted to try to load him without the sedative first, and I said, "Sure, why not?", but I didn't have much hope that he would load.  I hooked up his lead rope and walked him out of the hospital and into the parking lot.  Penny opened the trailer door, I walked Nox up, and he just stepped into the trailer like it was no big deal!!  We were all so shocked that nobody said a word for about 5 seconds.  I could not believe he just did that!  I patted his neck, told him what a good boy he was, and tied him up.  My guess (and I realize that I anthropomorphize a little too much) is that he did not want to stay another minute at the place where they kept sticking things up his nose and when he saw me, he realized that he could go home to his paddock, grain, and sunshine - so he just stepped into the trailer because it was the easy path to freedom.  No more pricks and prods, just get me home!

So, Nox loads into trailers now.  That was an expensive trailer loading lesson.  Silver linings.      

Monday, August 4, 2014

Vacation to Staycation

As I write this, I am supposed to be sitting on a plane somewhere over Ohio on my way to visit my sister for a week of relaxation and auntie/niece bonding time in Santa Cruz, California.  Our plans have changed.  Horses often have impeccable timing.

Yesterday, just before noon, Penny called me and said that Nox was having a terrible nosebleed.  She told me that his stall was covered in blood and it was pooling at his feet in the paddock.  I abandoned my suitcase packing, asked her to call the vet, and jumped in the car to head over.  By the time I arrived at the barn, the bleeding has slowed and Penny had spoken to our local vet, who recommended that we call the Cornell University Equine Hospital.  I talked to a vet at Cornell named Dr. Hill and she recommended that we get Nox on a trailer and get him to the hospital as soon as possible.  Penny already had the trailer hooked up to the truck.

Nosebleeds in horses are a symptom of a couple of different conditions.  One is very serious and fatal, called Guttural Pouch Mycosis.  This is where the horse develops a fungal infection in the guttural pouch, which contains arteries and nerves, and the fungus erodes the arterial wall and causes bleeding.  Sometimes the horse has a few minor nosebleeds before the artery is completely eroded and the horse eventually has a catastrophic nosebleed and essentially bleeds out and dies.  The only way to know if a horse has this condition is to put a scope up their nose and into their guttural pouch to see if there is an infection. 

A screen shot of my frantic Google search for Guttural Pouch Mycosis. 

Nox, as I recently related in the post about moving him to Penny's barn, refuses to get into trailers these days.  I asked my local vet to come sedate Nox so we could hopefully get him into the trailer.  As she was injecting the sedative, she told me that a few months ago, another one of her clients ignored a nosebleed and her horse ended up having a catastrophic nosebleed a few days later and died on the trailer on the way to Cornell.  This may be a rare condition, but it does happen.  I tried to stay out of panic mode as Nox slid into a drugged state and I hoped we could get him on the trailer quickly.  After a few minutes of tugging, pushing, and pulling, Nox drunkenly stumbled onto the trailer.  Best Husband Ever was able to get the day off at the last minute and he accompanied us on the 2 1/2 hour drive to Cornell, driving my car while I rode in the truck with Penny.

Dr. Hill and a whole team of veterinary students met us at the door to the state-of-the-art hospital.  The facility is amazing and the staff are so incredibly nice.  The floors are all covered with rubber flooring, but the flooring changes colors from room to room.  Nox did not want to step on the different colored flooring and I ended up having to back him into various rooms and hallways, even after he was sedated again.  He is so stubborn.  We weighed him first and he weighs 1,325 lbs!  I had always guessed 1,200 lbs... he's a big horse.  Dr. Hill and her team scoped Nox's guttural pouch and to everyone's extreme relief, everything looked clear and normal.  Nox did not have a guttural pouch infection.

However, we are not out of the woods yet.  He was bleeding heavily and there are other conditions, though not as life threatening, that cause nosebleeds.  Nox is scheduled for radiographs this morning to see if there are any masses or tumors in his sinus cavity that may be hemorrhaging.  These masses and tumors are treatable through minimally invasive procedures.  I'm waiting now for a phone call to see what Dr. Hill has found and what our next steps will be for treatment.

I canceled our vacation to California.  I'm not sure how long Nox will be at the hospital and what kind of decisions I'll need to make over the next couple of days, and so I had to stay close.  We were able to get credit for our next booked flights, so all is not lost, but I'm terribly disappointed to miss seeing my sister, her husband, and my beautiful niece.  Best Husband Ever and I are scheduled for another trip to California in November for a family wedding, and now we are looking forward to that trip even more.

I will keep everyone updated on Nox's progress and in the meantime, please think positive thoughts for him and throw out some good vibes for his speedy recovery.    


Monday, July 28, 2014

Show Time!

Yesterday, I rode in a horse show!  Since Nox is still on rest, my friend (and owner of the new barn we're boarding at) Penny has graciously let me ride one of her horses for fun and for lessons.  Baya is a 4 year old warmblood mare (warmblood means she's part draft horse/part Thoroughbred) who Penny rescued a few months ago.  Back then, Baya was thin, sick, and recovering from having twins too young.  She was in need of some love, attention, and exercise.  Now, she's cute as a button and an absolute joy to ride.  We only started jumping her about 6 weeks ago, and she's a natural.  Penny and my trainer Beth suggested that I show her at the next horse show and after a week of mulling it over, I agreed.

I haven't shown a horse in 14 years.  I remember always being so nervous and feeling enormous pressure to do well for the horse's sake.  That nervousness always transferred to the horse I was riding and I never placed very well.  In fact, the last time I rode in a show class, the horse and I were so out of control that the judge actually had to jump out of our way to avoid being run over.  Needless to say, we came in dead last - I'm pretty sure the judge muttered something about the ring gate hitting us on the ass on the way out.

Over the years since, I lost interest in showing.  I didn't really have any opportunities to show anyway.  I was moving around the country, galloping through sage brush in Wyoming, and riding friend's horses sporadically when I had the chance.  It wasn't until I adopted Nox that I started thinking about horse shows, but I wasn't convinced that I'd have fun doing it again.

Through all the moves (I've lived in 5 states since graduating college), I kept two things with me: my riding dress boots and my stock pin.  My mom bought the boots for me with I was 14.  They fit perfectly and made me feel like a real rider.  I've kept them with me because classic riding boots never go out of style and I always thought I'd wear them with jeans or something.  It turns out that my 14 year old calves were much slimmer than my twenty and thirty something calves and I could never wear them with jeans - but I kept them anyway because just looking at them made me me feel like that 14 year old rider who felt special in her boots.  The stock pin was also a gift from Mom.  I've kept that with me for the same reason - it's a nice memento from my horse days that made me feel better about not having horses to ride.   Who knew that 14 years later, I'd be able to wear them in a horse show once again?

When I decided to show Baya, I pulled my boots out of the closet and my pin out of the jewelery box.  They both needed a good cleaning and shine.  Best Husband Ever offered to do a Marine Corps spit shine on my boots.   They came out perfect and wearing slim riding breeches, I was miraculously able to put them on!  I bought a second-hand show coat, a pair of breeches, gloves, and a show shirt, and I was all set.

Baya has never been in a show before and she's very young, and after my long hiatus from the ring, I went in to the show with no expectations.  My only goal was to stay on my horse, get her over the jumps, and have a good time.  I just smiled and rode for fun.  Once I saw that Baya was calm and responsive, any trace of nerves I had disappeared.  Baya and I placed 2nd in a jumping class - her first show and she earned 2nd!  Best Husband Ever and our barn buddies cheered wildly and clapped when our number and names were called and I couldn't have been prouder of this sweet little horse.

2nd place!
By the end of day, Baya and I earned 6 ribbons - mostly fourth and sixth places, but we beat a few people in most of our classes and frankly, I was just ecstatic to be out there.  I had so much fun and Baya performed beautifully.  We have a few things to work on before the next show in a few weeks - jumping over flowers boxes (she was a little worried about the flowers and hesitated a bit), picking up the right lead at the canter (I had to correct her a few times), and I need to make sure I keep my eyes up and shoulders back.  All in all, it was a great day! 

Best Husband Ever cheered us on and buffed my boots between classes (he really is the best). I received lots of compliments on my shiny boots!

Horse cuddles and more ribbons!

Oh yes, and my trainer volunteered me for an interview with the local news:

Oh boy. I don't have much to say about that, except the happiness and excitement were real.  And I'm kind of a dork on camera. 

Nox had to stay back at the barn, of course, but he's happy to stand in the sunshine, snort at the pigs, share his grain with Agnes and the chickens, and play with his neighbor Ellie.  After the show, I returned to the barn to unload horses and tack, and spent some time grooming and sitting with Nox. I've got the show bug again, and hopefully in a year or two I can show Nox.  He'll look so pretty all braided and tacked up.

Nox and Ellie



Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What a Difference!

Nox is thriving in his new stall/paddock combo.  I'm pleasantly surprised and amazed at his quick transformation.  I feel like I have my sweet, wonderful, goofy boy back.  Last year, I often sat out in the pasture with him as he grazed and he'd walk over occasionally to check in with me and nuzzle my shoulder.  He was a pleasure to be around.  The past several months he's been too high-strung and aggressive for me to really chill out with him.  Being locked in four walls was making him stir-crazy and I understand how difficult it was for him.  It was an almost constant fight to keep him under control and not biting, bucking, or trying to run from me.  There were moments of calm, but they didn't last long.  He was always like a shaken can of soda - ready to burst at the slightest bump.  Now that he has some freedom and fresh air, he is relaxed, content, and calm.  All the things he used to spook at - loud noises, tractors, the wind - aren't affecting him at all.  The farm tractor rumbles right by his paddock and he barely flicks an ear at it while he continues munching on his hay.  Five days ago that would have sent him into a tizzy. 

He is quickly charming the all the new human friends he's meeting with his good looks and sweet personality.  He nickers at Penny in the mornings as she feeds the pigs and hams it up for anyone who stops by his paddock.  This morning he was eating his grain outside with a bunch of chickens who were snatching up whatever he dropped.  Penny told me he was moving his feet very carefully and watching them with intense interest between bites of grain.  He sleeps outside in the cool night air and retreats into his stall when the heat and the flies get too much in the afternoon.  I love arriving at the barn after work and seeing him enjoying the sunshine.  He still nickers for me when he hears my whistle. 

I groom him in his paddock and he stands quietly.  I like to sit with him while he eats his hay in the paddock, and he nuzzles my shoulder and lets me kiss his nose.  I trust my horse again.  Despite the freedom and space in the paddock, Nox doesn't run around and Penny says she hasn't seen him act up at all, so he is getting the rest he needs.  I'm very hopeful that if we keep this up, his September vet check will show an improvement.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying my sweet boy once again.

Best Husband Ever made the beautiful stall sign for me.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Good News

Nox has moved!  He is now enjoying a much larger stall with an attached paddock.  He can walk outside and enjoy the sunshine and breezes any time he wants!

Dr. Meg really wanted me to find a stall with an attached paddock for Nox.  He was going crazy in his stall and when I did let him out in the ring, he'd just explode from the pent up energy and boredom.  The stable only had stalls or large group pastures and neither was suitable for Nox on stall rest.  I felt so bad on beautiful sunny days, knowing that he was standing in his stall, waiting for me to come to let him out.  It just wasn't working out.

I talked to my friend Penny, who owns a stable just down the street from where I was boarding Nox.  She has stalls with paddocks and I asked her to please let me know when one opened up.  Penny's place is like Disneyland: lots of horses, ponies, pigs, a mini donkey, chickens, cats, a guinea pig and rabbit who live together, a huge dog, and a goat named Agnes.  Penny and her family live on site and they are very dedicated to their farm.  The trainer that I really like started working at Penny's stable a few months ago, and Penny had a horse that needed to be ridden.  So, a few weeks ago, I started riding Baya, a cute buckskin warmblood, and taking riding lessons.  I'd ride and then go over to the other barn to see Nox.

Last week, Penny told me a stall was opening up!  I've been so excited to move Nox, but I've also been dreading it.  I haven't trailered Nox since he arrived at the barn 2 years ago.  In his old race horse life, he was trailered often and I imagine that he must have been pretty good at it.  But, it's been 2 years.

Today was moving day and Nox did not get into the trailer.  We tried for an hour and he simply refused to get in.  He wasn't scared, he just flat out refused.  We tried walking him on.  We tried standing in the trailer with grain.  We tried picking up his front hoof and putting it in the trailer.  We tried cracking a lunge whip behind him.  He just stood there at the entrance to the trailer, refusing to step up into it.  If I pulled on the lead rope, he'd snap his head up and hit it on the top of the trailer doorway.  It just was not happening.  Finally, I decided that struggling with him for another two hours was going to do more damage to his ligament than just walking him the mile and a half to the new barn.

So, that's what we did.  Penny's son and I each clipped a lead rope to Nox's halter and walked on either side of him down the road, with Penny following us in the truck and trailer.  We were the goofiest parade ever to march down the road.  He spooked at the first three mailboxes we passed, but was surprisingly calm for most of the walk.  As we neared the new barn, he whinnied to the other horses.  They called back and the horses in the pastures came running over.  Agnes the goat met us at the property line and escorted us to the barn.  I turned Nox loose into his paddock and he immediately rolled, looked around, and spooked at the pigs.  An hour later he had calmed down and was walking in and out of his stall and paddock, meeting his neighbor horses and making friends with Agnes.  His stall is very open, so he can hang his head out into the barn aisle, and his paddock has a view of the pastures, the riding ring, and the pig pen.  I was so happy to see him so entertained and engaged!  He was so isolated in his old stall.  By the time I left a few hours later, he was eating hay in his stall and playing "nip the nose" with his neighbor Ellie.

Hopefully, this little bit of freedom to be outside whenever he wants will be just what the doctor ordered.  After he calms down a bit and gets used to his surroundings, this new arrangement should make the next few months of stall rest much more tolerable and help his ligament to finally heal.  In the meantime, I can keep in shape riding Baya and taking lessons, and see Nox at the same time.  It's a better situation for both of us.  Good news!

Nox standing in his paddock.

Nox standing near the doorway to his new, larger stall.

Nox making friends with Agnes.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Not So Good News

I've been waiting for the vet to come and evaluate Nox before writing another post.  I haven't been doing anything new with Nox the past few weeks: I go out every evening and let him hang out in the indoor ring to roll and look out the window while I clean his stall, and then I groom him and take him out to graze for as long as possible.  Every once in while, I try to lunge him at the walk/trot, as was recommended at the last visit, but I cannot keep Nox to just stay at a walk/trot.  He always ends up getting too excited, running, bucking and generally misbehaving.  Since I don't want him to hurt himself, I just shut it all down and walk him in hand on the lead line.  Two weeks ago he went really ballistic and ran around like a complete crazy horse and it took me while to calm him down.

After a few cancellations and rescheduled appointments, Dr. Meg was finally able to come out to the barn on Friday.  I knew she wasn't going to clear him for full work - I could tell he was still off - but I was hoping there would be improvement.  I was sorely disappointed.  He is actually worse than he was at the March evaluation.  Dr. Meg was discouraged.  I explained about the lunge session attempts, and she figured he must have hurt the ligament with all his running around.  I feel terrible!  He just has too much pent up energy and excitement for me to be able to work with him and keep him calm while doing it.  

So... the pasture time I was hoping he would be allowed to have?  Nope.  The light work I was envisioning us starting?  No way.  He has 3-5 months of continued rest, this time without any work at all.  She wants me to try my best to just let him out for grooming and grazing, but no trotting and only very light walking.  Dr. Meg admired his muscled physique and healthy coat; again wondered how the heck he still has so much muscle after 9 months of rest; and assured me that I'm not a total failure - horses on stall rest are usually difficult to manage and set backs sometimes happen.  She is still confident that he can be 100% sound; it's just going to take a little longer.

Best Husband Ever and I just returned from the barn, where we gave Nox his first bath of the summer.  He stood and grazed while I soaped him up, rinsed him off, and conditioned his mane and tail.  He happily grazed in the sunshine and breeze until he was dry.  Now he looks very shiny and glossy!  He is a good boy.

Wait - take another one!  I think I blinked.

Hay there, good looking!
Meanwhile, Best Husband Ever and my cousin found other horses to ride...